Education as an investment in the future

Education opens doors. A good basic education gives everyone an opportunity to start their professional lives with a solid foundation and hone their talents over time.

Switzerland has a broad-based, well-developed education system at all levels. Investing in education pays off, not only for the individual but also for society and the economy. Continuing education and training opportunities are also therefore in great demand.

Education helps to ensure that businesses can draw on a good supply of skilled workers and leaders. Education is also one of the reasons why Switzerland enjoys a low overall level of unemployment, including among its youth. However, with demographic changes and a shortage of skilled workers, together with increased digitalisation, Switzerland faces major challenges which can only be overcome by continuing to focus on high education standards.

But education is not the sole domain of the state. Everyone must assume responsibility and contribute to our education system. This shared responsibility applies, for example, in vocational education and training, where companies play a key role in offering continuing education and training opportunities.

Last modification 27.12.2021

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